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Pares{cantidad}PVP{precio}Extra{importeunico}Total{total} €
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About us

Purchase Guarantee

All our Petite & Big Shoes are guaranteed.

We strive to ensure that our Hard to find Shoes have a high level of quality care for every detail from the choice of raw materials, comfort and fit of the shoe last in the factories controlling all manufacturing processes to the final packaging.

Money-back Guarantee

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, you have 30 DAYS from the day of purchase to send the shoes back to have them exchanged/refunded.

Do not use original shoe box as the shipping box, we will refuse the package. All merchandise must be unworn and in the same condition it was received, including its packaging. All documentation accompanying the merchandise and its accessories must also be included. The client will make sure correct packaging is used in order to ensure damage-free transportation. All exchanges and refunds are processed within 1-2 business days after the order is received.

To exchange, please send the shoes back along with the order invoice and a note detailing the exchange. As soon as we receive the package, we will process your order if the item you requested is in stock. If not, a refund will be issued. You are responsible for return shipping costs. The exchange shipping is free.

For a refund, please send the shoes back along with the order invoice and a note requesting the refund. As soon as we receive the package, we will process the refund to the original method of payment. You will be notified by email once the refund is issued. Depending on your bank, it may take a few days for the refund to show in your bank account. Please keep in mind that after the 30 days, NO REFUNDS will be issued. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

Our return address:

7309 NW 46 ST
Miami FL 33166

Other Conditions

Minimum order amount 7.00 $

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