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www.andypola.es on its behalf or a third party contracted to provide measurement services may use cookies when a user browses the websites and the pages used on the website. Cookies are files that are sent to a browser by a server to record user activities on the website. The cookies that are used by www.andypola.es or a third party that acts on their behalf, are only associated to an anonimous user and the computer they have used, no personal data of the user is given.

 When the user allows the reception, you will be able to discover the server that is using the cookies, for this reason you should contact the instructions given on your navigator.


Thanks to the cookies, this allows www.andypola.es or a third party that acts on its behalf, to recognize the browser of the computer used by the user in order to make navigation easier, allowing, for example, access to users who have previously registered, access areas, services, promotions or competitions reserved exclusively for them without having to register each time. They are also used to measure the audience and traffic parameters, monitor progress and number of entries.

The user has the ability to configure their browser to be warned when receiving cookies and to prevent their installation on their hard drive. Please read the instructions and manuals on your browser for more information. To use the Websitete www.andypola.es is not necessary for the user to permit the installation of cookies sent by www.andypola.es, or third parties acting on its behalf, without necessary prejudice for the user to login each time the services are required and need a prior registration or login.

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